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Kilmarnock South

A 300MW/600MWh battery storage project in Kilmarnock, supporting the uptake of renewable power.

February 2024 update

Construction of Kilmarnock South 300MW battery energy storage system commenced in January 2024. In February, construction started on the haul road between the new entrance to the site and the compound on Midton Road. Earthworks to allow the construction of the development platform also commenced.  


For any questions, please contact the Kilmarnock South project team.

Who are Zenobē?

Zenobē designs, builds and operates battery energy storage systems (BESS) that maximise the uptake of renewable power, ensuring it does not go to waste and can power our homes and our transport.


Founded in the UK in 2017, we will deliver 1.2GW worth of battery storage projects by 2026.


We’re investing £750m into the Scottish electricity transmission network over the next three years, to 2026. These sites will save more than 1 billion tonnes of CO2, over their 15 years of operation.

Grid-scale battery storage owned and operated by Zenobe

Scotland's commitment to net-zero

The Scottish and UK Governments have made a legal commitment to cut carbon emissions to net-zero. With the move away from fossil fuels, the demand for electricity will increase with the need to electrify transport, heating and more.


Battery storage plays a key role in helping the UK meet its net zero ambitions as it allows a greater amount of cheap renewable energy to be deployed whilst providing critical balancing and stability services without the need for traditional fossil power stations.

What is a grid-scale battery and what does it do?

Renewable energy is intermittent, which means that at any time there is a risk of generating too much or too little in relation to demand from homes, businesses and even transport.


Batteries provide what energy insiders call ‘flexibility’ – they offer us the ability to adjust supply and demand to balance the system. For example, if wind turbines are generating more power than needed, batteries store this surplus energy. When wind generation is low but demand is high, battery operators release the stored electricity back into the system, ensuring this energy is not wasted.


They also provide a wide range of additional services needed to maintain grid stability and keep the lights on.

Why Kilmarnock South?

Kilmarnock South electricity substation is part of the 400kV electricity network responsible for transmitting renewable energy generated in Scotland to other parts of the UK where demand is greatest. The substation was identified by the National Grid Electricity System Operator as one of several strategic locations on the transmission network that required critical stability services.


Our battery storage solution will mimic the characteristics of a traditional power station to provide these critical services  with a long-term contract with the Electricity System Operator from 2025 onwards.


Without storage schemes like Kilmarnock South, offshore and onshore wind and other renewable energy will be severely curtailed in the second half of this decade and fossil fuelled power stations will be called upon to deliver stability services.

What are Zenobē doing at Kilmarnock South?

Stage 1 – Planning​

Zenobē submitted planning application to the Energy Consents Unit at the Scottish Government for a 300MW Battery Energy Storage System on a four-hectare site next to the Kilmarnock South substation. East Ayrshire Council was a statutory consultee and the proposal was considered by EAC planning committee in November 2022 with no objection, subject to planning conditions. The Energy Consents Unit granted planning permission in February 2023.

Stage 2 – Preparing for final investment decision (FiD)

This phase includes procurement of equipment, contract negotiations with suppliers and contractors, discharging any pre-commencement planning conditions and undertaking technical, financial and legal due diligence to allow our funders to formally sanction the go-ahead of the project. We reached FiD in January 2024.

Stage 3 – Enabling works

As part of the planning conditions, Zenobē had to construct several passing places along Treeswoodhead Road and construct the entrance into the site. The enabling works were completed in December 2023.

Stage 4 – Construction

Construction of the BESS site began in January 2024, starting with the clearance of site and the earthworks to create a level platform on which the development can be built. Once the earthworks are completed (after approximately 4-6 months), the foundations and cable ducts will be installed, and when complete, the batteries and other electrical equipment will be delivered to site and installed.

Stage 5 – Commissioning

The constructed battery and associated electrical equipment undergoes rigorous testing before it can be connected to the National Grid.

Stage 6 – Operation

Battery goes live and will deliver essential services to run the UK’s electricity network more efficiently. The operational maintenance requirements are very low so there will be hardly any vehicle movements to and from the site once construction is complete.

Stage 7 – Decommissioning

After 40 years, all equipment and structures will be removed from site. Most equipment and materials can be reused or recycled and the land will be reinstated back to agricultural use.

Do you have any questions?

Get in touch directly with our project team by emailing: ukprojects@zenobe.com

Peter Smith

Head of Product

Pete leads Zenobē’s growing team of Product specialists across all areas of the business. His team oversee our R&D as well as product development in both hardware and software.


He has been working in the European E-Mobility sector from over ten years, specialising in the design, build and delivery of software systems for EV Charging.