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Open letter for the attention of the ESO, Ofgem and the Government: Industry calls for urgent government action on battery storage to deliver 2030 target and cut household bills

Reaching a net zero power grid by 2030 is the cornerstone of the Government’s energy agenda. While its focus is on rapidly building new renewable energy sources, it is vital that we recognise the importance of battery storage in this national mission.

Only with the flexibility and speed of battery storage, will the Government be able to meet its ambitious target while cutting energy bills.

Today, we, a coalition of battery storage operators in the UK, are calling on the Government to recognise battery storage as a critical part of our national energy infrastructure. Representing a significant share of battery storage projects in Great Britain, we are calling for urgent action to address issues within the system that are holding back investment and driving up consumer bills.

Right now, when there is too much wind power and the system is unable to transport it elsewhere, the Electricity System Operator (ESO) has a choice. The most straightforward option is to either turn off the wind turbines or store this excess energy in batteries. The cheaper option is often to use battery storage.

Today, however, the ESO is consistently underusing – ‘skipping’ – batteries. Even when batteries are the cheapest and fastest solution to meet the needs of the GB grid, the ESO favours more expensive options too frequently.

Our own data – verified by the ESO – shows that batteries are being skipped over 90% of the time during constraint periods for some sites. The consequences are clear. Consumers are paying more, clean renewable energy is being wasted and fossil fuel generation is being used instead. The cost of these constraints to consumers could exceed £2 billion a year by 2030. Meanwhile, investor confidence is dwindling.

But the solutions are ready and waiting. They can be implemented quickly and at little cost. We want to be a constructive partner to help fix these issues.

Investment in batteries does not need money from the Government. But it does require a market that works properly. The Government has an opportunity to cut bills and emissions by ensuring that grid-scale batteries are being properly utilised and that the market is fit for purpose.

As a coalition, we are ready to work together with the Government, the ESO and Ofgem to fix this long-standing issue. By reducing the skipping of batteries, we can cut consumer bills while giving investors the confidence to invest in the UK’s energy transformation.

James Basden
Founder Director, Zenobē

Mark Simon
CEO, Eelpower

Amit Gudka
CEO, Field Energy

Peter Kavanagh
CEO, Harmony Energy

Peter Smith

Head of Product

Pete leads Zenobē’s growing team of Product specialists across all areas of the business. His team oversee our R&D as well as product development in both hardware and software.


He has been working in the European E-Mobility sector from over ten years, specialising in the design, build and delivery of software systems for EV Charging.